Cara Sue Achterberg
author : Cara Sue Achterberg
Cara Achterberg is a writer, blogger, and rescue dog foster mom who lives on a farm in South Central, Pennsylvania with her family and far too many animals. She is the author of three novels: I'M NOT HER, GIRLS' WEEKEND, and PRACTICING NORMAL. She is also the author of the memoir, ANOTHER GOOD DOG: ONE FAMILY AND FIFTY FOSTER DOGS. Her next memoir, ONE HUNDRED DOGS AND COUNTING: ONE WOMAN, TEN THOUSAND MILES, AND A JOURNEY INTO THE HEART OF SHELTERS AND RESCUES, arrives in bookstores July 2020. (Expect her next novel in January 2021.)\n\nCara teaches creative writing and continues to live the organic life she wrote about in her book, LIVE INTENTIONALLY: 65 CHALLENGES FOR A HEALTHER, HAPPIER LIFE, which was chosen as first runner up at the 2015 Green Book Festival. Her essays and articles have been published in numerous anthologies and magazines. You can find links to her blogs and books at